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Hi I'm Grif! I have worked for P2PU since 2015. I live in Phoenix.
Well, it's not as nice as meeting in Portugal, but I'm still looking forward to working through this course with you.
Course materials we'll use
This is a openly-licensed online course about learning circles, created by Peer 2 Peer University. The course is divided into six modules, which can be explored in between 20-80 minutes each.
Join this learning circle
What is a learning circle? Read the FAQs.
Unfortunately this learning circle is now closed for signup.
- May 5 at 9AM EDT
- May 7 at 9AM EDT
- May 12 at 9AM EDT
- May 14 at 9AM EDT
- May 19 at 9AM EDT
Online, I'll email the meeting link!, Boston