Facilitated by
Course materials provided by London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Taking place at online on Jitsi, GMT -5, Boston
This learning circle met every Tuesday from 6PM to 8PM EDT starting March 31, 2020 for 3 weeks.

Facilitated by
Research scientist in experimental and computational biology. Passionate about education and learning communities. From Toulouse, Paris, Philadelphia, Boston.
Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
In this learning circle, we will learn about coronavirus and its worlwide implications using the course "COVID-19: Tackling the Novel Coronavirus" from FutureLearn. Participants will meet virtually at https://meet.jit.si/covid19-learning-circle on Tuesdays from 6 to 8 pm, starting on March 31st and for three weeks. No prior background is required. Other events organized by BosLab can be found here: https://www.meetup.com/BosLab/events/.
Course materials we'll use
What is COVID-19 and how might the outbreak affect you? Find out more about coronavirus and explore its worldwide implications.
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Unfortunately this learning circle is now closed for signup.
- March 31 at 6PM EDT
- April 7 at 6PM EDT
- April 14 at 6PM EDT
online on Jitsi, GMT -5, Boston