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Welcome to Python for Everybody, an introduction to coding led by industry professionals! We'll be meeting at CLP East Liberty on Thursdays beginning October 5. This course is intended to work for complete beginners, but if you've been learning to code on your own, we'll still have something to teach you.
The time committment for this class is about an hour outside of class each week, and then an hour and a half in class. Participants will need to bring a laptop to each session.
Course materials we'll use
This Python 3 tutorial course aims to teach everyone the basics of programming computers using Python. The course has no pre-requisites and aims to avoid all but the simplest mathematics.
Course Structure
- Outside of Class
- Each week, you'll watch about an hour of this YouTube course before class:
- We won't get all the way through the full youtube course in this class (we'll cover a bit more than a third of it). If you want to keep working through the video after our course ends, there is a full Coursera course that goes with the YouTube course video, with assignments and everything:
- In Class
- We'll spend a bit of time lightly recapping the video and answering any questions you have, and the rest of the class working through exercises together to help solidify the week's knowledge in your mind.
Join this learning circle
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Unfortunately this learning circle is now closed for signup.
- Oct. 5 at 5:30PM EDT
- Oct. 12 at 5:30PM EDT
- Oct. 19 at 5:30PM EDT
- Oct. 26 at 5:30PM EDT
- Nov. 9 at 5:30PM EST
- Nov. 16 at 5:30PM EST
East Liberty Library, Room 3A, Pittsburgh