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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming_Part 3
A learning circle

Facilitated by
Course materials provided by Yong Myoung
Taking place at CLP-East Liberty, Meeting Room 3A, Pittsburgh
This learning circle meets every Saturday from 10:30AM to 11:30AM EDT starting March 22, 2025 for 8 weeks.

Facilitated by
This learning circle is facilitated by Yong Myoung.
I'm currently articulating my research (ML and AI) by using python and R as tools.
We'll have a common platform which we can discuss: case example including data sets.
Beside that we'll follow online learning platforms before we meet up.
Course materials we'll use
I'm attaching a link for the general machine learning lecture, which is freely accessible.
Feel free to bring your data so that we can discuss.
- March 22 at 10:30AM EDT
- March 29 at 10:30AM EDT
- April 5 at 10:30AM EDT
- April 12 at 10:30AM EDT
- April 19 at 10:30AM EDT
- April 26 at 10:30AM EDT
- May 3 at 10:30AM EDT
- May 10 at 10:30AM EDT
CLP-East Liberty, Meeting Room 3A, Pittsburgh