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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Using Python and R Programming_Part 2
A learning circle

Facilitated by
Course materials provided by Yong Myoung
Taking place at CLP-East Liberty, Meeting Room 2 , Pittsburgh
This learning circle met every Saturday from 10:30AM to 11:30AM EDT starting October 5, 2024 for 8 weeks.

Facilitated by
This learning circle is facilitated by Yong Myoung.
I'm currently articulating my research (ML and AI) by using python and R as tools.
We'll have a common platform which we can discuss: case example including data sets.
Beside that we'll follow online learning platforms before we meet up.
Course materials we'll use
Course materials we'll use
I'm attaching three links for the general machine learning lecture, which is freely accessible; two user-friendly machine learning websites using R and Python.
Feel free to bring your data so that we can discuss.
Join this learning circle
What is a learning circle? Read the FAQs.
Unfortunately this learning circle is now closed for signup.
- Oct. 5 at 10:30AM EDT
- Oct. 12 at 10:30AM EDT
- Oct. 19 at 10:30AM EDT
- Oct. 26 at 10:30AM EDT
- Nov. 2 at 10:30AM EDT
- Nov. 9 at 10:30AM EST
- Nov. 16 at 10:30AM EST
- Nov. 23 at 10:30AM EST
CLP-East Liberty, Meeting Room 2 , Pittsburgh