Learning Circle Insights
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Start Writing Fiction


Tuesday, 3 April to Tuesday, 29 May at Harold Washington Library Center



18 learners signed up; 3 responded to the survey

Learner Goals

Why did people sign up?

  • "To accompany other educational programs"
  • "Social reasons"
  • "For fun / to try something new"
  • "learn writing"
  • "Personal interest"

Goals Met

Did participants reach their learning goals?

Pygal001112345081.23076923076924494.307692307692310216.6153846153846494.307692307692321352.0252.031487.38461538461536252.041622.7692307692307252.05Rating (1: Not at all, 3: Somewhat, 5: Completely)Participants

Confidence in course materials

Do participants feel more confident about what they learned?

No data

Next Steps

How do participants intend to apply what they learned?

  • "publish a book "
  • "I hope they will offer it at the library again, and that I will get to start from the beginning. Then I hope the skills I develop will help me write some publishable fiction. "
  • "I’d like to write a phenomenal personal statement and to publish short-stories."

Net Promoter Score

Would participants recommend learning circles to a friend?

No data

Why or Why Not?

No data


No data