Learning Circle Insights

The 1619 Project Learning Circle
Tuesday, 18 Aug. to Tuesday, 22 Sept. at Goldwyn Hollywood Regional Branch (VIRTUAL)
Los Angeles
3 learners signed up; 4 responded to the survey
Learner Goals
Why did people sign up?
- "Professional career development skills, knowledge and valuable learning experience."
- "I hoped to engage with the systemic issues raised by the essays published in 1619."
- "to find different ways to support Black lives and to learn about the history of slavery in America"
- "Deeper understanding of 1619 Project and how best to educate colleagues and students."
- "To learn more about African-American history and talk about racism and ways to combat it in this country"
and 1 others
Goals Met
Did participants reach their learning goals?
Confidence in course materials
Do participants feel more confident about what they learned?
Next Steps
How do participants intend to apply what they learned?
- "Have difficult conversations with people about the impact of slavery and the legacy it still holds today. We need to keep this country accountable and hold it to the truth. I can call out people for their problematic or racist remarks and discuss how this ideology has grander negative ramifications."
- "First, to try to process it, the information provides such an awakening and helps connect the dots from what didn't make sense before. Second, to educate every human being on Earth. Until we understand the worst of what humans are capable of, we can't make sure it never happens to anyone again."
- "Continue to learn more, talk about this group and the Project to other people, be an ally in my everyday life to the best of my ability, continue to work for change in this country"
- "I intend to encourage others to engage with this text, participate in similar forums around systemic racism in our country, and bring what I learned into conversation as well as my everyday actions."
Net Promoter Score
Would participants recommend learning circles to a friend?
Why or Why Not?
- "For all the reasons I gave this five stars!"
- "There are not many forums where people with diverse perspectives and experiences can come together and openly discuss the critical issues of race. The 1619 Learning Circle was an important opportunity for me as a white, Jewish woman to hear and process the everyday challenges of Black people in our country."
- "I deeply enjoyed my experience reading the articles, learning from the others in the group, and feeling connected and engaged with the community."
- "I have attended over a dozen learning circles these past few months and I am truly enriched by them. I've also met some wonderful people!"
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