Learning Circle Insights
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The Science of Well-Being


Tuesday, 4 Feb. to Tuesday, 25 Feb. at Christ



4 learners signed up; 2 responded to the survey

Learner Goals

Why did people sign up?

  • "I hoped that i will be able to learn and gain knowledge about well-being of the society."
  • "good"
  • "HED evaluation"
  • "Wellness"
  • "Well-Being"

and 1 others

Goals Met

Did participants reach their learning goals?

Pygal00112212345081.23076923076924494.307692307692310216.6153846153846494.307692307692320352.0494.307692307692330487.38461538461536494.307692307692342622.7692307692307252.05Rating (1: Not at all, 3: Somewhat, 5: Completely)Participants

Confidence in course materials

Do participants feel more confident about what they learned?

Pygal001112345081.23076923076924494.307692307692310216.6153846153846494.307692307692320352.0494.307692307692331487.38461538461536252.040622.7692307692307494.30769230769235Confidence (1: No, 3: Somewhat, 5: Yes)Participants

Next Steps

How do participants intend to apply what they learned?

  • "I intend to apply whatever i learned in my daily life and make sure that my actions are monitored by principles learned in the course."
  • "Idk"

Net Promoter Score

Would participants recommend learning circles to a friend?

Pygal00112212345081.23076923076924494.307692307692310216.6153846153846494.307692307692320352.0494.307692307692330487.38461538461536494.307692307692342622.7692307692307252.05Rating (1: No, 3: Maybe, 5: Yes)Participants

Why or Why Not?

  • "Because i personally feel that this is an innovative way to learn things."
  • "Because it's good"

