About this resource

Keywords cryptocurrency, bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain, smart contracts, decentralization
Added by Clay on 8 Mar, 2021
Popularity Used in 2 learning circles
Format Online Course
Creator Berkeley University of California
Website https://www.edx.org/course/bitcoin-and-cryptocurrencies?index=product&queryID=4d1bfff7971dedf880706bc42b256d9a&position=1
Language English

Community Feedback


Jun 2021

The course was excellent. However, I feel like some of the weeks were out of order. Certain weeks would have done better at the end rather than towards the beginning. (Week 3 was particularly technical and a little overwhelming for most of the class). It's also (surprisingly) a little outdated already (even though the class is from 2018). The cryptocurrency field has changed tremendously in just the past few years.

2 learning circles used this resource