About this resource

Keywords learning, memory, procrastination
Added by Noelle on 11 Sep, 2019
Popularity Used in 2 learning circles
Format Online Course
Creator McMaster University and University of California San Diego
Website https://www.coursera.org/learn/learning-how-to-learn/home/welcome
Language English

Community Feedback


Oct 2020

It's a 5 with some caveats. The materials were designed for 2h/week for four weeks which adapted well to a learning circle. They were paced and ordered fairly well, so I didn't need to do much legwork to make an agenda for us to follow. Some of the content seemed a little outdated (though charming!) which was a little frustrating but ultimately inspired good conversations where we tried to fill the gaps. It was a great course for my first time facilitating.

2 learning circles used this resource