About this resource

Topics Creativity, Communication
Keywords writing, fiction, story, english, CPL, creativity, draves, communication-guide, facilitator guide, creativity-guide
Added by Jordan on 20 Jul, 2017
Popularity Used in 17 learning circles
Format Online Course
Creator Jordan Draves
Website https://learntowritefiction.net/home/writing-courses/learn-to-write-fiction-beginner-course/
Language English

Facilitator Guides

Community Feedback


Jun 2020

Because I created it specifically to be a learning circle! :-)

Oct 2020

Not gonna lie, I created it. lol. I created it specifically to be a learning circle, but also, my learners affirmed for me at each class and again at the end, that the class works as a learning circle. They got a lot out of it and they enjoyed learning from each other.

Jun 2021

This online course curriculum was top notch!

17 learning circles used this resource